This Is My BLOOD!
Once his enormous taper was burned down to a mushy
stub by the liquid nitrogen shower, Fr. Dan could once again concentrate
on the peril at hand. Masons! As he nursed the black eye formed
when his lone soldier stood at attention, Fr. Dan felt a wave of
exposition molest his long-term memory. He remembered... OH how
he remembered. He remembered mostly to offer a little historical
perspective for those who might fail to see the hilarity inherent
in Fr. Dan's adventures, which plainly satirize a fusion paranoiac/conspiratorial
Anyway, ever since the Papal Bull "Eminenti
Apostolatus Specula," was issued in 1738 by Clement XII,
the Mother Church had waged war on the freethinking menace of the
aproned daemons. Where the Church sowed salvation, hope, sexual
hang-ups, and far too many babies, the Freemasons filled the ears
of the fallen with furry and ticklish promises of world power, unlimited
sexual adventurism, Tuesday night poker games, and pork. Fiendish
demon burghers! When dangled before the hungry or those just wanting
to get the hell away from their wives for a few hours, the sight
of freshly barbecued spareribs and butt steak was a siren's call
to the Abyss. Sweet did the tangy BBQ sauce taste upon their tongues,
but all the tears they would eventually cry in perdition for their
weakness would not wash away the barbecue sauce of HELL from their
smarting tongues. Thrice bedamned the followers of Hiram Abiff,
with their secret nude wrestling rituals and wicked "keggers."
How many reaching the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite knew that
33,000 tortures, each worse than the lastwith the exception of
the 23rd, which was more a breather for the tortured and the torturerawaited
them in The Devil's Own Arse Hole! But they had one horrible hope:
Fr. Dan. Fr. Dan would save them, even if he had to kill them 20
times over.
"Grrrrowwwwwlllll!" growled Fr. Dan, slapping
his hairy chest in apish warning to the enemies of Il Papa! He leaped
for the ceiling 40 feet above, and began the treacherous jungle
gym swing to his private armory. Only one with the magnificent acrobatic
skill of heor is it him? could reach the armory through
a series of explosively tripwired swinging bars, trapezes, and trampolines.
Indeed, only Fr. Dan, or perhaps his mother at peak strength, could
negotiate this elevated maze perilous. As he punched his way through
the angry squirrel robots with ebola-tinged fangs guarding the final
length of trapezes, Fr. Dan made his final swing across 100 feet
of floor covered with steak knivesall with their pointy sides
sticking straight up! But that, goddammit, was not all! The knives
stabbed upwards from a foot of sulfuric acid, inhabited by acid-resistant
piranhas made insane by hours of grotesquely violent video game
play! They jumped from the acid, eager to be the first to sup upon
priestly sinew!
"Uroooooooooooooo!!!!" Fr. Dan vociferated
like a wounded hippo in a cry of farting defiance hurled from his
Celtic soul! Spiralling over the steak knives, he eyeballed the
nine-inch rod of hardened rubber that was to be his only protection
against the surf and turf crevasse of decimation yawning beneath
him! Fr. Dan opened his jaws wide, chomped down, and deep-throated
the rod, holding firm with his Lancastrian teeth yet feeling his
heterosexuality in no way compromised. He peered downwards as he
swung up onto the platform leading to the armory. The piranhas and
steak knives angrily fidgeted and chattered in their frustrationmostly
the piranhas, though the steak knives too felt mild discomfort.
"Some day, priest," they gabbled, "SOME DAY!"
Fr. Dan knew that his final hour had come and that
he would defeat it, like all the other final hours of the past week.
Goosestepping in a non-fascist way to his armory, he burst through
the doors and hit the light switch. The gleaming of the metal of
the multitudinous guns, blades, grenades, rocket launchers, bazookas,
flamethrowers, shurikin, long swords, and more, DEAR SWEET GOD,
MORE HORRIBLE WEAPONS gave off a cold light that would warm no one.
Every weapon known to humankind was displayed in this room: from
simple Colt revolvers to diamond bullet shooting platinum Kalishnikovs
to Magnum Automags made of mint chocolate. Fr. Dan caressed a nearby
howitzer cannon that had saved his life while combatting Shintozilla,
the immense radioactive robotic dragon that sought to destroy Tokyo
then raise the Land of the Rising Sun to its former glory. A clever
disguise that made Our Priest resemble wizened Emperor Hirohito
distracted the reptile long enough to bow in obeisance so that Fr.
Dan could shove the barrel-end into his lizard butt and blast his
non-absolute-believing scales all the way to Okinawa.
"Had he made a difference in this world,?"
Fr. Dan thought as he began strapping firearms aplenty to his lean
form. He tried to remember a simpler time, before he had become
hardened, when puppies, kittens, flowers, and a young woman's love
were something other than emergency foodstuffs. Fr. Dan stopped
packing heat, picked up a shining Malaysian butterfly sword, and
gazed at his once-beautiful face in the dangerous steel. Though
he was now handsome and sexy in the way an oak tree might be if
you were into intercoursing with oak trees, at one time he looked
like a young seraphim come to earth. Virtue had taken a hard toll
on him. He fingered Frankenstein-like scars across his cheeks, nose,
and jaweach a story about protecting Catholicism from worldy
men, women, man-beasts, and multi-breasted femaliens. While he still
gained more trim than a barber shop floor, Fr. Dan missed his innocence,
the sensation of fresh love, the nervous energy felt entering a
strange woman's room, the first taste of a really good cheeseburger
eaten in a manner improper to mention in a family tale such as this.
Observing some flaking beneath his ears, Fr. Dan realized he could
use a good moisturizer as well. Fr. Dan vocalized dumb animal whines
as he viewed himself in the cruel metal. "Muh... muh, muh...
muhhhhhh..." he mewled, beholding his completely doable ugliness.
Fr. Dan thought some more, the smell of ozone filling
the room as his computer brain slogged on through memories of death,
death, and more death. And more death after that. Was he just a
killing machine? It struck a single note of fear from a clarinet
of trepidation in his colon. A tremor began deep in Fr. Dan's great
big soul. A feeling of happier times, when he was young and fancy-free,
crossing the country by Greyhound bus, carrying a Martin guitar,
and loving and living the American Dream as only a young man in
a buckskin jacket, shoulder-length hair, and skintight blue jeans
could. Many drinks were drank, many songs were sung, and many hearts
were broken: his own and those of many young ladies. He remembered
how all their faces looked when the morning's first sunbeams trickled
through the blinds, warming their faces in the post-coital splendor
that made every cheap motel room a palace of love. Even the bedbugs
looked beautiful, puffy though they were with their blood.
"I will always love you," he would whisper
to each of the 500 women he roughly boffedten for every state
in the union, because he was superstitiousthen he'd dedicate
a song he'd written just for them when he sent them out for beer
and pork rinds. It always began with a masculine G chord, trembling
into a feminine C-sharp, and breaking itself upon the hermaphroditic
D-minor. He'd kiss them after the show, their tears staining his
collar. Then they'd make love again on the stage. But the wanderlust
would seize him at 3:37 a.m. and he'd be packed and on a Greyhound
before they arose. He wondered how many motels still had young ladies,
now middle-aged ladies, in them, waiting for his return.
No, really. He didn't want to brag, but he was THAT
The tremor of the memory travelled up from his heart,
through his aortas and ventricles and vena cava, splooging its way
through every vein, artery, and capillary like tiny Loch Ness Monsters
of regret. As the tremor reached his sensual bottom lip, it quivered
like a sorrowful jellyfish eating flan. Juicy salt tears as big
as his eyeballs tumbled down his battleworn cheeks, winding through
the stubble and gouges and moistening his pores with grief. Unable
to help himself, Fr. Dan threw a hand over his mouth, ran to the
wall, and pressed a secret button. A door opened where there was
no door before, and he stumbled in. Here was Fr. Dan's Sanctuary
of Delicateness.
The room had no corners, being spherical. It too lacked
the hard metallic firmness of the rest of the Heliorectory, being
made of a mushy womb-like substance. Placing his mighty feet in
the soft fuzzy Pink Panther slippers beside the entryway, he ran
forward like a girl of 13 and threw himself, crying, onto the huge,
red, heart-shaped bed. A pride of stuffed lions, bears, and unicorns
went willy-nilly into the air and onto the floor as Our Priest's
500 pound hammer-tough body slammed into the satin sheets and goose-down
"Wahhhhh! I so unhappy!!!" wailed the Shock
Troop Shaman! Here, safe from the prying eyes, ears, noses, and
tongues of both enemies and friends, he could freak out and engage
in girly-soft emotional safely. Fr. Dan grabbed at the plate of
steaming s'mores beside his bed, eating three at a time of the crackery,
chocomatey, and marshmallowy gooey treat without a thought for what
it would do to his "love handles" and ass. As he crunched
down, the sugary treat coating his teeth with brown muck, the tears
came forth, and Fr. Dan did savor his wussiness with gusto. Rolling
onto his belly and kicking his now stocking feet back and forth,
he pressed another button on the pretty nightstand with the Strawberry
Shortcake alarm clock nearby.
A Judy Collins album began to play,and Fr. Dan stopped
crying, closed his eyes, and began to sing along with the blue-diamond-eyed
earth mother folkie, swaying gently in time with the music and its
sensitive Joni Mitchellian ambiance. The thought suddenly struck
him. The lyrics were about HIM. He understood it so well now. Why
did he not take less time killing and feeling the goopy sensation
of blood and viscera squishing between his toes, and more time smelling
the pretty widdle fwowers and dandewions along life's pathway? Did
the other priests ever look past his brusque and terrifying exterior
to see the insolent and horrifying interior within that loved kitty
cats, flying kites, and missionary position sex?
"Indeedboo hoo hoo!I have looked
at life from both sides now," said Fr. Dan between oily black
tears that ate through the fitted sheet. He placed a thoughtful
finger beneath his granite chin. "But upon consideration...
Boo-hoo-hoo! And pondering all the ice cream castles, feather canyons,
and circus crowds and whatnot of my life... Wahhhhhh! I really don't
know life... AT ALL!" The thought crushed his inner child beneath
hundreds of tons of iron ore pellets. "Yipe!" cried his
inner child before turning into a blob of bloody ear wax. Fr. Dan
snuggled and scrunched his plush killer whale Freddy against his
face. The fake whale's fur became saturated with Fr. Dan's manpain,
turning a darker shade of black.
"Oh, Freddy! Only you understand! But, old friend,
you are but simulated fur and mushy polyester stuffingan unliving
thing that breathes not, yet not a zombie killer whale, as I encountered
before on the Serengeti." He squeezed the whale to his chest,
"But that makes you the bestest friend of all! YOU would never
tell them of this weakness of mine. No, you would not..." Fr.
Dan withdrew a Desert Eagle pistol from beneath a nearby crocheted
throw pillow and placed it to the whale's head. " IF YOU KNOW
WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!!" Fr. Dan saw what he was doing, this
betrayal of his plush friend, then collapsed to his knees, hugging
the whale again and again while begging its forgiveness.
"Oh, Freddy, I am so sorry! I do love you so!
I suspect all! I know no peace! None, save for when I am here, in
your flippers..." Fr. Dan looked at the plushie lovingly, then
"Oh, Freddy, I must have you now!!!" Fr.
Dan pressed his full man-lips to the whale's snout. Fr. Dan fondled
the whale in a way that was not considered a sin because not one
of the Bible's prophets or apostles could have conceived such a
perversity. Fr. Dan made sweet love to his killer whale doll, and
damn society if it judged them.
Afterwards, Fr. Dan enjoyed a cigarette, gently tousling
the chest hair of his whale friend. Theirs was a love that dare
not speak its name for fear of encouraging loud snickers and donkey-like
guffaws. For Fr. Dan it was a pure love between consenting farcical
fictional characters. A smile creeped over Freddy's whale face as
his shoe-button eyes gazed up into Fr. Dan's twin hazel orbs. Seeing
the smile, Fr. Dan's powerful rhino's heart seized with fear!
Fr. Dan clenched the plush simulacrum with his triply-muscled hands
and tossed it into the air, blasting it into cotton puffs with one
shot from the Desert Eagle! A snowstorm of stuffed animule parts
showered down upon him.
"Freddy..." Fr. Dan said plaintively, extending
a clenching hand of loss toward where the fake beast was atomized.
Fr. Dan was overcome with self-loathing and revulsion. "Freddy...
I... am sorry," he said.
"I forgive you, Fr. Dan," said a voice from
behind. Fr. Dan shrieked a shrill girly scream, grabbed the bed's
sheet, and held it before his exposed muscular man-boobs in mortification.
There stood four Freemasons... each bearing a grenade launcher in
each hand, which would make... one, two, three... EIGHT GRENADE
"I forgive you for... your life!" scoffed
the scoffing leader, "Let me relieve you of that burden now!
By Jabulon! DIE, PRIEST, DIE!!!"
Each grenade shot out of the launcher with a tremendous
KA-CHUNK!, and flew toward Our Priest like a swarm of incensed pineapples.
Fr. Dan's training kicked in once more, and he deftly swerved and
plastically twisted his body into obscene shapes and configurations
to avoid the shrapnel of each grenade as it exploded near him. The
effect was much like what you may have seen in a certain popular
Fr. Dan rolled beneath the heart-shaped bed, emerging
covered in dust bunnies and bearing three more pistols! Full four
gunsDesert Eagle .44s allhe held in his calloused fists.
Using his index and ring fingers to squeeze the triggers, Fr. Dan's
guns sprayed the unholy horde with white-hot slugs as if he were
a Tom Cat pissing bullets and they were living room curtains. As
each chamber emptied, Fr. Dan's prehensile toes reached up for,
emptied, and reloaded each gun.
"DIE!" yelled Fr. Dan most emphatically
and with no dissembling. His Shakespearean voicereminsicent
of the offspring of an unauthorized coupling between Orson Welles
and James Earl Jonesbellowed as he strode toward the now ripped
to bloody ribbons masons. His words were tinged with acid and carcinogens.
"DIE! DIE! DIE!" he debated with his opponents, the argument
of their lives crumbling beneath the indefatigable logic of his
wholesale slaughter. And so they did diemost horribly and
justifiably. Yet, finding his sport sweet, after killing them all
he shouted "Talitha cumi!", raising the rancid foemen
from the dead so he might have the pleasure of sledgehammering them
to death once more. When an hour had passed, and the last bit of
Freemason quivered upon the floor, Fr. Dan rubbed the sweat from
his brow with his forearm, cutting the skin open with the diamond
hardness of his musculature.
"Thirsty work, this," Fr. Dan said to no
one in particular. "But how were these ill-humored ninnyhammers
able to penetrate my hidden Lair of Softitudedness?" Fr. Dan
used his superpowered eyes to look at the floor. With vision slightly
clearer than most peoples, he espied upon the floor... a shovel!
Fr. Dan grabbed the spade and smirked. He had to give them credit.
Deucedly clever these Freemasons, tunneling into his Heliorectory
at 10,000 feet! Ingenious! But now they would dig no more, except
in Hell! Yet, Fr. Dan felt he must honor these men. Black though
their hearts were, they got "the drop" on Our Priest.
Aye aye. He would consume their remains in tribute. With that, Fr.
Dan recovered his Hello Kitty waffle iron and baked the masonic
giblets into tasty puffy griddle cakes, nicely browned.
Fr. Dan consumed the cannibalistic pancakes, drenching
them with too much maple syrup and powdered sugar, for he lived
on his own now, and no parent could tell him what to do! No! Fr.
Dan poured on, then dusted the top of the Free and Accepted waffle-ironed
ones with MORE powdered sugar, topping all with a maraschino cherry.
Fr. Dan did not like maraschino cherries, but they did please him
"Um! Um!" said the Priest of Solid Beef,
happily wolfing his wonderful waffles. Syrup trickled from either
side of his mouth, which he licked at ravenously with his cow-like
tongue. "Um! Um!," he burbled in his joy. "Taste
good! Ver' ver' GOOD! UM! UM! UMMY-UMMMMMM!!!" Fr. Dan kept
shovelling down waffle after waffle, eating more and more quickly,
until a sick fear assailed him. HE COULD NOT STOP EATING THE DELICIOUS
HUMAN WAFFLES! He had been poisoned with a most delicious elixir,
no doubt retrieved from the hand of Satan himself!
Fr. Dan kept eating and eating, watching his belly
expand with toasty brown evil waffles, each of his shirt buttons
popping off, and his cattle skull belt buckle barely holding back
his ever growing gut. Fr. Dan began to cry again, but this time
from being overstuffed with these airy and flaky flapjack cousins.
He took one more bite, and then slid into a fat-assed blackness
which had no top, bottom, or circumference.
To Chapter Five, for God, Harry, and All