The 4,735th Last Temptation of Fr. Dan!
Upon finishing most vigorously rogering Sr. Mike in
the library, Fr. Dan acrobatically leapt from the chandelier into
his awaiting pants. Sr. Mike cooed with the pleasuremoans of a woman
aglow in elephantine satisfaction.
"Farewell, my priest," she called to him,
her left foot dangling a six-inch heeled pump between the chandelier's
two biggest crystals. "Within my secret garden, you have woven
a garland of victory,"
"And how!" shouted Fr. Dan, and with a wink
and a thumbs up, he was gone.
Fr. Dan ran through the school in 20 paces , knocking
over any teacher, child, or soda-pop machine idiot enough to get
in his way. There wasn't time to drive to the Vatican, even with
the Barracuda's vaulting mechanisms, rocket jets, submarine conversion
capability, catapulting device, helio-blades, metamorphingpowerbattledroid
powers, and time and dimensional warping nucleoginandtonic generator.
Breaking through the double doors and into the crisp air, Our Priest
placed two fingers into his mouth and blew a shrill whistle only
dogs, blind women, and Martians could hear.
The silence was at once rent with a sound like a thousand
seraphim casting 10,000 demons into the pit. The sun was blotted
out, darkening the sky and sending the temperature down to 25 degrees
Fahrenheit (-3.888888888888889 Celsius). Frost painted the trees
and plants, and Fr. Dan's breath came out in thick grey clouds.
All present thought that perhaps the Day of Wrath had at last come,
and fell prostrate, beating and cutting at their flesh with broken
potsherds and rubbing their faces with ash, dirt, gravel, and used
gum. But it was not the Day of Wrathfor that wouldn't happen until
August 23, 2016 (Fr. Dan checked his Apocalypse Watch to be sure),
no, this was one more most awesome day of Fr. Dan's Heliorectory!
Neither plane nor helicopter nor satellite nor SUV
nor mecha-robot nor Japanese flying cat bus, the Heliorectory served
as Fr. Dan's sky HQ. He took care not to reveal it too often, though
its immensitylarger than the Pentagon and infinitely more agilemade
this difficult when the cloaking devices were on the fritz, as they
apparently were now. Fr. Dan would have to discuss that with his
engineer, Mr. Toy. Among the civilized, the Heliorectory was simply
unsettling and awe-inspiring to behold, while in certain Pacific
Islands where the Heliorectory had been viewed, it enjoyed the reputation
of a god. These flyovers forced Fr. Dan to return with crack teams
of Dominican Rangers, who divested the Islanders of such primitive
notions while converting them to the One True Faith. Perhaps the
religious awe invoked by the Heliorectory wasn't such a bad things,
mused Fr. Dan as he beheld its shining black hull fronted by two
immense silver crucifices. If a flying battlecruiser brought more
to Christ, so be it. The Heliorectory hovered, and a staircase extended
from the front of the ship like a segmented tongue. Fr. Dan climbed
the hundred steps in triple-time.
Inside his aptly named cockpit, Fr. Dan fiddled with
the large lever before him. A gigantic claw extended from the belly
of the Heliorectory, picking up his prized Barracuda without a scratch
on its highly waxed and polished body. Fr. Dan chuckled as he withdrew
the vehicle into its docking bay. "Claw" was a misnomer
since the car-retrieving device was designed to look like the Hand
of God. Many a time Fr. Dan would fly amongst the clouds, extending
the hand and using the Heliorectory's speaker system to blast Handel
while pointing at and admonishing the fallen. Once he had the Hand
of retrieval painted a Zulu hue and flew above a Ku Klux Klan rally,
wrenching their flaming cross from the earth and causing the anti-Catholic
untermenschen to tinge their bedsheets yellow. The Barracuda retrieved,
Fr. Dan turned the control of the heliorectory over once more to
his Franciscan robot, Brother Klanko.
"WE... ARE... MOST... PLEASED... TO... SEE...
THEE... THEE... THEE... FR... DAN..." Recently given an Emoto-chip®,
Brother Klanko's jagged toothed jaw broke into a smile, as his single
LED eye bounced left to right. Brother Klanko's stutter was an indulgence
when Fr. Dan built his faithful friar robot. It seemed right, and
more than a little amusing to him. Brother Klanko was a robot of
peace now, but it wasn't always so. Fr. Dan flashed on a memory
when Klanko's sensitive inner circuitry was compromised by his seventh
worst foe: THE ELECTRONIC SATANIST! Klanko's hardened steel jaw
ran red with blood as he chomped off the heads of any who dared
enter his confessional that day. Fortunately, they were all very
bad people.
Klanko's smile faded. As a mournful violin played
across the Heliorectory's speaker system, black oil tears streaked
down his metal face.
"What is wrong, my molybedium friend?" asked
Fr. Dan. He knew the answer. Miss Klinko, his robot maid, and Klanko
had an ongoing flirtation, but no matter what Klanko did, it never
seemed enough. "Girl troubles?" He chucked the robot beneath
the chin, opening a scab on his third knuckle.
"MISS... KLINKO... IS... NOT... NOT... NOT...
I... I..."
"Not enough? Why, Klanko, you're every bit as
much of a mammal as me, except you are hairless and incapable of
nursing your young with healthful breast milk. What would make you
whole? What, dear android friend, what!?!" Fr. Dan kneeled
beside his robot chum and hugged him. Parts of his own body being
bionic in nature made him think of Klanko as a very ugly metal brother.
"IF... I... ONLY... HAD... HAD... HAD... A...
HEART!" said Klanko, dribbling still more fluid from his eyenode.
"Is THAT all!?!" said Fr. Dan. A look of
steely resolve assailed Our Priest's face for the 500th freaking
time. He grimaced and palpated his massive chest. "I will never
forget how you laid down your robo-life for me in our battle against
the Secular Humanist! Never! If you need a heart, dear mechanical
comrade... take MINE!" Fr. Dan thrust his fingers into his
chest, broke through his rib cage, seized the thick cardiac muscle,
and wrenched it freeveins and allin great gushing torrents of
blood! Grunting, Fr. Dan pushed aside Klanko's habit and opened
the sliding panel covering his robot innards. With a wish, hope,
and prayer, it was done. Klanko had a human heart. Fr. Dan's mighty
heart! A smile broke across his robot face and he robot sang robot
songs of robot joy! But he became concerned...
" HU-MANS... DIE... WITH... NO... HEARTS... WITH...
NO... HEART... HEART... HEART... FR.... DAN... DIE... NOW...?"
Fr. Dan threw his head back and laughed heartily even
as the arteries and veins convulsed and spurted gore from the gaping
hole in the center of his chest. Then, behold! A miracle! Fr. Dan's
healing factor implemented itself, and TWO newer, stronger, thicker
hearts grew back in the old one's place. Klanko was wonderstruck
as the final wound sealed over liquidly. Again, Fr. Dan was whole!
Fr. Dan's smile was brighter than 10 million suns as his robot friend
gaped in disbelief.
"Ah, Brother Klanko. Know that NONE can defeat
Laughing, the man-priest turned on a Prada-shod heel
and left the cockpit.
Fr. Dan stopped laughing immediately. Stridingfor
he never simply walked anywhere, only strodethrough the Heliorectory,
he barrelled like a titanium juggernaut for the Heliorectory Heliogym
for a Helioworkout. He was feeling rather flabby as of late, and
sought to sharpen his battle skills and instincts. Too late! All
the basketball courts and weight rooms had been reserved for a corporate
partydamn budget cutbacks!leaving him with only the squash court
and steam room. Most hateful of squash, Fr. Dan stripped bare at
the doorway of the gym and walked with bullish hoof-poundings through
the party. The gathered assemblage gasped at this perfection of
virility and physicality, the heterosexual women and homosexual
men cast their undergarments at him, the homosexual women and heterosexual
men considered lifestyle changes, and those into bestiality wished
most dithyrambically that Our Priest was an Irish Wolfhound. Ignoring
these lesser beings, Fr. Dan entered the steam room and sat down
on a ledge, knowing it would clear his mind and help him discover
how to oppose this new threat.
"I must put on my thinking cap," thought
Fr. Dan. Clapping his hands, two Altered Boys appeared with his
thinking cap: A large Viking helmet with two sharpened horns, a
satellite dish, twin red police lights, a series of Klaxon horns,
a spiralling hypno-disk, and three chickens twirling, twirling,
EVER-TWIRLING on rotisserie skewers. It was quite a ridiculous sight
to see even Our Manfully Jaybird Naked Priest wearing the capbut
woe be to he who dared laugh. Fr. Dan assumed the position of Rodin's
Thinker, and when that didn't work, he assumed the pose of
Botticelli's Venus, Michaelangelo's David, Picasso's
Guernica, and Mondriaan's Composition with Red, Yellow
and Blue. He was about to achieve another of many brilliantly
conceived thoughts in his life, when he became aware of a presence...
nay, TWO PRESENCES! the steam room. Fr. Dan girded his loinsfor
that was all he had at handfor battle.
was fearsome yet feminine. Though prepared for attack, Fr. Dan felt
a stiletto heel at the end of a shapely, coffee-colored leg rip
open his face's most recent cheek scars. His primitive survival
instinct instigated hard-fucking with his martial arts training,
and Fr. Dan deftly seized the leg , tossing the sumptuous Nubian
maid attached to it to the side. But the distraction was enough
so that Fr. Dan was only able to bat aside 19 of the 20 ninja throwing
stars hurled at his abdomen. Thanks to years of Charles Atlas and
Joe Wieder training, Fr. Dan had achieved the ability to not only
catch projectiles with his abdominal muscles, but to spit them back
at their originator. But even here the Native American girl hurler
of pointy stars evaded the returned missile with the suppleness
and agility of the lemur, though she brimmed with far more concupiscence
than that Madagascan jungle primate. Fr. Dan watched her arch through
the air flexuously, momentarily distracted enough so that the third
girl (THIRD!?! Fr. Dan was astonished at this trinity of sexually
delicious huntresses' virtuosity in masking this third presence
from his keen Spader Sense!) stalked him from behind before
ramming four kris-style blades into his throat! Briefly, through
the steam's haze, he saw the beautiful yet remote girl who had done
the deed, a Gitane emerging from her full cruel lips. She was gone
in the next heartbeat.
"GLURRRGGGGG!!!!" gurgled Fr. Dan. Yet even
as his thick syrupy blood flowed like iron wine, he rolled his head
about, snapping the blades through pure neck muscleagea technique
taught him by Buhram, the last of the strangling Thugee cult! Though
a Roman Catholic to the bone, Fr. Dan said a silent prayer of thanks
to Kali, wherever in hell she ruled. Pinching his nose and puffing
out his neck, the broken blades popped out of Fr. Dan's throat and
impaled themselves in the steam room walls.
Then, all was hellishly quieta terrifying quiet.
The quiet before the screaming, poisonous Venusian ammonia monsoons
Fr. Dan encountered on his recent space adventure to the planet
of the Morning Star. Steam room mists crept about him, obscuring
his cybernetic infrared vision... something the female hashshashin
no doubt knew would be in their favor!
Fr. Dan reached into his mouth with his right hand
until his fingers found the thin katar dagger topped with a jeweled
engraving of the Hindu god Ganesa he stored between his esophagus
and windpipe for such emergencies. His left hand crept downwards
and, lifting his scrotal sac, he retrieved the pack of Camels he
kept there for such emergencies. Then his secret robot claw hand
emerged from his ass with the bottle of Jack Daniels he kept there
for such emergencies. Lighting a cigarette, drinking deeply of the
whisky, and picking his fingernails with the katar dagger, Fr. Dan
felt ready.
"End simulation," he bellowed. The steam
room emptied of its humid fog, revealing the three girls. Each was
dressed in the style of a Catholic schoolgirl: silver cross necklaces
dangling at their throats, pleated tartan skirts, crisp white blouses,
blazers, ties, and white knee socksthough in place of Mary
Jane shoes they wore black patent leather pumps with impossibly
high heels. But the heels weren't the first indication that the
girls' fresh-faced and wholesome loveliness was only a cover for
the pretty poison within. No. Like spikes on a blooming cactus,
the girls were armed from their dazzling white teeth to their perfectly
polished nails. Each carried a combat dagger at her left side, a
service revolver at her right, and a bandolier of cartridges that
strained against their ample chests. They cleaned their individual
weapons, eyeing Our Priest carefully. Even faced with such firepower,
their comeliness would stupefy a man. It was also taboo: for not
one of the girls had seen her 18th birthday. To look upon them with
lust in one's heart was to be damned to hell forever... yet one
would be condemned with a smile that wouldn't leave one's face even
after a thousand years of succubus penile torture.
"Excellent work, my Unholy Innocents..." said
Fr. Dan, smirking before taking a drag off his cigarette.
The dourness of the three melted away, and they looked
to each other and at Fr. Dan eagerly and earnestly.
"But..." he said as the smile vanished.
So too did the three girls' smiles vanish.
"Jasmine, your heel strike was well-landed but
imprecise," he said to the African girl, pointing to his face,"Do
I not still have my eye? For shame..."
The girl looked down, angry but admonished. The daughter
of a Harlem voodoo priestess, Jasmine Daktari had been abducted
from her New York home by Ugandan cultists who worshipped her as
a reincarnation of their ancient fertility goddess. Later trained
in killsport by Idi Amin's death squads, she had seen and done much
that would cause strong men to cower... but the priest's words held
peculiar power, because they came from the only man who had ever
defeated her.
"And, Raven, it goes without saying that while
it is only to be expected that I, Fr. Dan, could easily bat aside
19 throwing stars, the 20th barely penetrated the third level of
my kevlar skin. Forbear!"
"Yes sir..." she said with a curtsy, causing
an Uzi to drop from a concealed location. She looked mortified and
quickly restored the weapon to its original placement. The daughter
of a Cherokee woman and fugitive Russian KGB wetworks specialist,
Raven Insatia was later raised by a Transylvanian wolf pack for
reasons that are actually, surprisingly dull and not worth mentioning
here. Still, her time with her wolfen kin left Fr. Dan with the
double-duty of teaching her how to kill AND proper social graces.
She was fortunate then that Fr. Dan was not only an assassin of
the first stripe, but the writer of a book on etiquette now in its
16th printing. Predictably, knowing she had displeased Fr. Dan,
she began to gnaw nervously at her index fingernail. Fr. Dan glared
"And what did I say about biting your fingernails!?!
It's unhygienic, I say! DAMNED unhygienic!"
Raven stopped at once.
"And you, Monique," he pointed at the cruel
blonde, sitting carelessly against the wall with no regard for her
posture, reading Candide, and drinking Beaujolais between
hits off her Gitane. Fr. Dan snatched the cigarette from her and
stubbed it out on his tongue. "Smoking is for losers. There's
a reason I've had five sets of lungs replaced! And this!" He
snatched the copy of Candide from her, causing her to gasp
and then pout prettily. "What have I told you about the works
of this... this... DEIST FROG!?! Ecrasez l'infame!"
Fr. Dan held the book below waist level and micturated upon it,
the wrath of his urine dissolving the sinister paperback. The very
French Monique Feral ceased to pout and began to growl. Her red
lips parted to show extended canines, a remnant of the lycanthropic
were-nature she inherited from her memere. Fr. Dan met her
gaze, and though it took time, she eventually looked away. Fr. Dan
allowed himself a secret smile at her pugnacity. Indeed, the French
girl was his favorite. Soon they would all finish their training
with him and enter the field with an experienced agentperhaps
a word with Il Papa would allow them to serve with Sr. Mike. For
now they were beautiful and deadly, but undisciplined. He would
whip them into shape soon enough.
Though proud of his body, Fr. Dan became aware at
last that he had been standing naked before them the entire time.
Blushing, he grabbed for his black silk robe and cinched the belt.
With a flourish he adjusted his ascot and lit the pipe he ever carried
in his robe pocket. Rich, maple-tinged smoke filled the room.
"Now, though I have enjoyed and admired this
little exercise, it's time I returned to business at hand,"
said Fr. Dan.
"Ah, les frère maçon, non?
'Ow I long to have zee aproned bastards feel zee steel of mah blade!"
said Monique in a bad French accent as she fondled her dagger.
"And how did you know this, Monique?" said
Fr. Dan, arching an eyebrow. They all gasped and looked at one another
uncomfortably. Caught! Caught like lynxes in a lynx trap by his
uncanny mind!
Raven looked downwards. "I... I... used my hacking
skills to access your field reports, Fr. Dan. Forgive me! We look
up to you so, and we want only to help!" She gazed at him pleadingly,
tears in the corners of her eyes. Fr. Dan touched her cheek and
"Be not afraid, Raven. I am only expressing my
awe at your abilities. But from hereon, my business is my own. It's
more for your safety than anything else. As hardened as you may
think you all are, there are things I have seen, heard, touched,
tasted, and smelled that are best left unknown by the young and
unprepared. Only once have my personal journals been "hacked"
by a foolish young man in Austin. Six months later he was still
screaming in the bughouse after reading of my battles with dread
elder god Chöugwffløflühgg, the Many-Tentacled
One in his underground nightmare city of Hwffl'ley'lo'lo!
Hoo boy, that was a pants-wetter, let me tell you."
The girls all shuddered, even Monique.
"Rest assured, when the time comes, you will
hear my call, and you will perform admirably. Of that I have no
The girls beamed at him, but then their faces slackened,
and they began to writhe and run their hands up and down their ambrosially
erotic young frames!
"Hellfire and dalmatians!" thought Fr. Dan,
"I forgot to check the time! Stupid stupid old man!"
"Fr. Dan, do you think when this is all over,
you might want to nibble on a little... forbidden fruit?" said
Jasmine, slinking over to Fr. Dan with a maturity disturbingly displaced
in one so young. Monique and Raven likewise slinked, the natural
if by now annoying result when any human being is enclosed in a
hot steamy room with Fr. Dan for too long, his testosterone and
pheromones teasing and pricking the senses and sexparts like a swarm
of sexy killer bees.
"Must... remain... strong..." thought Fr.
Dan, simultaneously thinking that Humbert Humbert hadn't gotten
a even break.
"Well, maybe just a little taste of devil's food
cake won't hurt a guy. Heh heh heh... But..." he felt virtuous
once more, "No no no! I must resist! A moment on the lips,
a lifetime on the hips!" Then he felt even sexier considering
the innuendo of that last statement. "Welllll... Perhaps a
little longer on the lips. Wouldn't want to deprive the little ladies
of any pleasure. Heh heh heh! Come to Papa, sweetmeats"
Fr. Dan's eyebrows arched evilly as he grinned like
a fox in a hen house made of real hens, his eyes glittering like
perverted sapphires. The boys downstairs got to work at responding
to the girls' preda-amatory attentions.
Meanwhile, Lucifer watched and heard it all on Frankenstein
Earphone Radio and Eyesight TV, cackling madly. "I have you
NOW, Fr. Dan!" said the Fallen One as he twisted his handlebar
mustache. "I've read the Bylaws for Priestly Conduct,
and this... THIS sin would not be forgiven by..." He cringed
while saying the name. "Jeeeeezussss... even at his drunkest
during an marine's bachelor party... ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU HAVE FAILED
TO INVITE HIM! BAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! My goodness I am EVIL!"
Satan danced with glee. "Go on, Fr. Dan," said the Ape
of God, "Take a bite of forbidden fruit and let the forbidden
juice run down your chin! Have some forbidden cheese and crackers
and forbidden wine while you're at it! Bah-ha-ha-ha!" Satan
continued to cackle and dance a little jig. Picking up an Allen
wrench, he continued to assemble the Hööngi Chair
of Eternally Bitter Sorrows he ordered from Ikea just for Fr. Dan
upon his fall from grace.
Approaching Our Priest, the three jailbaitworthy minxes
touseled the hair all over his body, and nibbled here and there.
Fr. Dan felt himself slipping into a vaginal abyssstill metaphorically
by this pointbut a vision of the Holy Mother appeared before him
and only to his eyes.
She was dressed in celestial blue, a crown of five
stars glittered above her head... and she was sorely weeping for
him... She also carried the biggest fucking rolling pin he had ever
seen... and boy howdy did she look pissed. She ran at him rapidly,
holding the rolling pin above her head so that it jostled her crown
of stars. Screeching a blood-curdling war cry she began to bring
the rolling pinwhich now was covered in diamondback rattle snakes,
flaming railroad spikes, and spurting hoses of hydrochloric acidcrashing
down upon his head!!!
"Yahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
DON'THITMEMOMMY!" Our Priest prayed for strength, the vision
disappeared, and his old fellow immediately wilted like old celery.
He knew what he had to do.
Fr. Dan jumped up and stomped upon the floor, sending
the Heliorectory into a screaming dive, coming within ten feet of
the ground before Brother Klanko seized control again, sending the
Heliorectory soaring back upwards like some insane metal bat. The
change in gravity threw the tempting, tempestuous maidens of mayhem
backwards, flattening them against the rear of the cabin. When the
Heliorectory righted itself, they fell to the ground, hair covering
their eyes, which stared in amazement.
his hand and glared with the fiery eyes of a prophet of old. His
face gleamed with white-hot righteous wrath; bolts of lightning
shot from his eyes, ears, and nostrils; swords of fire shot from
his mouth; molten lava squirted from his pores; etc. etc. etc. Then
his visage softened, and he kneeled down to help all three up with
one swipe of his perfectly developed arm.
"Sorry, girls, take a number. And that number
is 18 years old." He turned away and walked to the steamroom's
door, still shaking a bit himself. Gathering himself after practicing
heavy breathing exercises and thinking of dead nuns, Fr. Dan turned
about and sternly, though not unkindly, pointed at the girls with
a massive index finger.
"Now. Back to the training room. Set it for Danger
Level 6"MAIM." I'll be up to check your progress against
the Psychopathic Alligator Mandroid Robots. If any of you is missing
so much as a fingernail when I arrive, ask for God's mercy, because
you won't get any from me."
The young Valkyries left, heads lowered and pouting
sulkily, slightly miffed and dejected, but always in awe of Our
Priest and his firm yet learned hand. Fr. Dan watched after them
with a grim smile. They were wild, undisciplined, and dangerous
in all waysthe Unholy Innocentsbut they had the raw
material necessary to serve on His Holiness' Sacred Service. A year
under his tutelage and they would be honed like fine Toledo steel
throwing knives, at the ready to be drawn and tossed at the enemies
of the Triple Tiara.
For now, he mostly needed a cold shower of liquid
Somewhere in hell, Satan screamed in frustration,
both at Fr. Dan's resistance to temptation and a missing screw for
the Hööngi Chair of Eternally Bitter Sorrows. Fr.
Dan would be corrupted soon enough. He had no doubt of that. But
The nettlesome Hööngi Chair of Eternally Bitter
Sorrows mocked him bitterly with its lack of ready to assemble closure.
Saints Presarrrrve Us! Chapter Four Beckons!